Though this soil is hard and not ripe,
Though the earth we walk does not lend a hand.
I fear not the doubt said by many,
Their words weight like sand in my hand.
My fingers are spread wide and raised, Giving praise to the God and Lord above.
My faith, though I don't require you to share,
Is only strengthened by our God's love.
I dig into all of the resentment and fears,
That others feel when they see the path I am on.
They see only my wife and I smiling through struggle,
It's as though they think we're walking alone.
We don't need you to hold our hands,
Nor do we need your shoulder to cry.
Though you do not see our strength that is visible,
because you look at us, rather than the sky.
Our seeds of faith have been planted,
Our promise has been seen, weighed and guaranteed.
God has placed His hand upon our lives,
To which planted seeds of faith need.
Our path is not built without struggle,
Our wants often get challenged by works of man.
Though these hurdles we jump over daily seem mighty,
There is a kingdom above, with scheduled plans.
My faith has been planted into a vision,
From God that has been shown to me.
Though these challenges try to shaken that focus,
I read the Book of those before me.
Those that talked to God day and night,
Those that wrote passages of His words and acts of good.
A God that creates something from "nothing",
A God that expects those that can, should.
I cannot put enough meaning in simple words,
The struggles of this world will shade you, if you allow.
What I implore you to focus on and help drive you,
When you feel the struggle of man and flesh, bow.
Fall to your knees and pray to God,
For which that you ask, for He will give to you.
Ask not what you can get from God,
But ask for God, what you can do.
Walk in His name and with His grace,
Share that vision and path that He has created for you.
Allow God to lead your life and for you to show example,
Of miracles on earth with God working through you.
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