For me, I mostly knew Judas for his betrayal of Jesus, but there is still much more to learn from the interactions with this disciple. Just as Jesus teaches Peter to his personality (requests usually took three times for his stubbornness), the Book of John shows us an interaction with Judas that allows us to learn more about this disciple and how Jesus interacted with him.
5Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor? 6This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what was put therein. John 12:5-6 KJV
Although Judas is famously known for selling out Jesus to the high priests (jump into that here - Matthew 26:15), the disciple still has a lot of interactions that teach valuable lessons still usable today. Judas, labelled as the thief, is also holding the money bag for Jesus and all of His followers. As we read above, he had the bag and seen what was placed into it.
Although we do not realize it, God has a way of allowing us to have what we think we want to show us it is not what we think it is. Sometimes we already hold the bag for what we yearn for, but we should remember that God can fill it if we ask, rather than taking it upon ourselves. Though we could focus on Judas and his failure, I find it more interesting that Jesus placed Judas in this role. Remember, Jesus also has a previous tax collector also taking notes. Regardless of our purpose, if we earnestly seek God or the Son, we will find Them and also see them in what we do.
As a great example, Jesus is being sought after for the infamous betrayal from Judas forementioned, but Jesus confronts those that seek Him. Jesus steps out from His prayer to His capturers, still knowing that He is walking to His crucifixion.
4Jesus therefore, knowing all things that should come upon him, went forth, and said unto them, Whom seek ye? 5They answered him, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus saith unto them, I am he. And Judas also, which betrayed him, stood with them. John 18:4-5 KJV
Countless Scriptures capture the mercy and grace being taught, led by example when reading about Jesus. Not our interpreted image with conquering by human-requested wrath against us stubborn people, or heaps of chaos to enforce change against unwilling humankind, but to encourage selflessness through sacrificial actions.
Crowds of people flocked towards Jesus while He ministered of peace. Enemies of joy planted doubts and attempted verbal traps at every crowd that gathered within the city walls. While high priests were plotting and scheming their charges of blasphemies, Jesus continued to bring hope to the people. Even after His capture, we read through Jesus' selfless compassion while on the cross. Feeling the weight of the world's sin, Jesus still used His sacrifice to save yet another in His presence.
42And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. 43And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise. Luke 23:41-43 KJV
Though nails had been punched through His flesh, Jesus looked beyond His pain to bring hope to another suffering. Even to His last moments in flesh, Jesus exemplified the teachings of loving one another more than we love ourselves. Showing a true charity, Jesus shares a sacrificial love, even while enduring the pain of the world.
My prayer that I encourage you to join me in this week:
Heavenly Father, I pray that You encourage all of those that seek Your word. Please inspire those that seek to glorify Your name so that we may hear more of Your triumphs within the world we live in. God, please continue to shine Your light into the darkness of this world. Keep Your mercy and grace ever present, as taught by Your Son. Fill Your children with the Spirit, allowing us to share that shown sacrificial love, even while feeling the pain of the world. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.