Hello, Lighthouse!
Welcome back from the year of silence! Praise be to God and glory to God for allowing me to battle through my own mind for this post. I apologize to you all for not being present here. I also apologize that my focus has been pulled away, selfishly focusing on my business more than our passion (Lighthouse). Though I have been silent here, my relationship with God has flourished more than ever! So, in hopes of igniting a similar drive from you, I'd like to share.
Just as the title alludes to, I have been battling some recent distractions. To catch you up, a lot has happened very quickly in the last few months. Not only around the globe, but specifically in my own life. The largest and most exciting of the milestones: I was able to preach at my local family church!
YES! You read that correctly! I KNOW!!! I am just as amazed!
I met eyes with my uncle at the church and he called me up. I was more surprised than anyone else in the room, I believe. I wasn't prepared. I didn't have a message that I knew of, but I felt like God was resting on my heart. I knew God had called me to talk on his behalf, but I wasn't sure of the content. Without thinking, I agreed excitedly and walked to the alter.
'I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: Open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it. ' Psalm 81:10 KJV
While in the Spirit, I felt as though I could have floated off of the stage. God filled me with words that impacted the group with me, causing them to pray for me while preaching. The message just poured out of me like I was talking to a friend about a family member. Though I had never preached before, God allowed me to communicate my readings of the Bible to teach those around me what I had learned. I'm still humbled by it, and I am thankful to God for allowing me to be a part of it.
Immediately following the message, after all of the praise from the group, elders of the church started warning me of the devil. Admittedly, I was a bit upset hearing such caution after such a huge milestone of my life. I wanted to lash out at it, combat it and rebuke it away. I had no time for warnings or ominous tones, but it was warranted.
The following week, I received so many kind messages that I knew I had done the right thing. Not for me, not for the church, but that I had pleased God by standing into the unknown and awaiting Him. Even so, more warnings came from those that are further along in their journey, walking with Christ.
I continued to rebuke the warnings.
Just as much as the joy of God was pouring out of me, the book of Job tells us very well that the devil is close by.
'And the LORD said unto Satan, Behold, he is in thine hand; but save his life. ' Job 2:6 KJV
This alone is hard to understand, but the Bible regards this as much more than an excuse for those ‘temptation’ moments.
Those downswings, challenges and valleys near the mountain tops of joy are just as important for us as for those around us. Though I often think of my doubts as solely mine, I know that those that have gone before me have had similar challenges. Not only in the Bible, but from those around us living contrary to what life we live. Thankfully, God gave us a very large guide to read through.
What I do know that God is telling me is that my challenges can be my neighbor's victory, without them having to hit those same valleys as hard as I might have. Mine, and all of the others that have led a life to be closer to Jesus, have testimonies that call out to the Spirit in others. That stirring and feeling deep down, that when we hear those words so closely related to our current struggles hit home, I know that is the Spirit. The Spirit trying to bring you forth to find that joy, with God being the provider.
If this reading encourages you to do anything, I pray that it calls to you to read the Word. I pray that God allows for your eyes to see and for your ears to hear. I ask that God washes over you with the peace that only He can allow, through Jesus, our covenant for salvation. Praise be to God for allowing mercy and grace.
'For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.' 1 Corinthians 15:22 KJV
If you make the time, I also encourage you to start reading Corinthians with me.