If you are not following along and a member to the site, you should know that this development of my need for this journey to a healthier life has been a process. A part of that has been a loss of over sixty (60) pounds. One tool that has helped me a TON has been fasting for 16 hours a day, or intermittent fasting. I started at 230lbs and roughly around March this year (2020 - yeah, we figured we might as well add that to this year - icing on the cake). So, with that, I’d like to share my synopsis of the 8-hour fasting and how it helped shape what is now my daily life in prayers that it can help guide you with some of my wins and losses throughout the process.
Eating Window
Throughout my time, my window changed and rotated due to my work schedule (I rotated every 10 weeks to another shift), but once I changed that aspect of my life, I stood at an eating window of 11AM-7PM daily. The regularity actually came with ease after rapidly changing it around to fit my employment.
Take away: I wouldn’t encourage this type of diet if your schedule isn’t very regular. I had a very “yo-yo” type of eating that kept my body guessing some weeks at a time. This caused my weight to jump, which I discourage.
Ok, don't get after me, but for the majority of my time, I did NOT workout. Well, not a routine or anything. I mainly walked a lot (10 miles on average) during my work week and happily relaxed during the weekends and nights off. Granted, the amount was similar to exercise and some of that time was actually running on the plant floor, but once I got a regular schedule, I finally started working out. My wife and I started a walk in the mornings (that has now included our children), which started our day out with a slow warmup to get ready for the day. The hour extra we got up actually got really easy for both of us after the first few days and kept us from stressing as fast throughout the day.
Take away: I will say that now my wife and I really enjoy our peaceful walks at 6AM through the sleeping neighborhood. With the kids being out of school for COVID, the walk gives them an extra way to be out of the house with us. I highly recommend this as a good family start to the day - obviously if this is available. Don't count your kids out for getting up a bit early with you. Our kiddos are more excited than we are for the walks!
Water Intake
One of the best things that has helped with my appetited control has been the amount of water I drink, but also at the times in which I drink it. I require myself to drink a full water when I wake up and a full water before bed. Both of those helped me gain better sleep and less hunger growls from my belly.
Take away: Don't wait to be thirsty (or hungry) to drink water. That's too late.
Types of Foods and Portions
My portion size is probably the biggest change in my life, beyond the weight that I have shed. I still cannot believe the amount of food, or calories for that matter, that I used to consume within a 24 hours period. Even during my initial start of fasting, I was consuming large amounts of fast food while working. I used it as a break to leave the plant when working in manufacturing, but it created a really terrible habit.
Once I started to get a hold on this, my "normal" day would consist of no breakfast (11AM start to eating), usually an "adult lunchable" for lunch and a decent (one meat, two or less veggies and a roll - roughly) dinner. I rarely jumped for anything sweet. God did bless me with no want for sweets most of my life, but now... let's just say, I know what I've been missing. It isn't a struggle by no means, but I'll knock out a cookie every now and then.
Closing Time
In closing, please understand that this was just my trial through fasting. As of now, I have been fasting (occasional breaks of once or twice a month for a few days) for almost a total of a year. It has been one of the best tools that I have used to get to a better weight for myself and be healthier, other than my talks with God, of course. I now get colder a bit easier (which almost isn't worth it lol), but I take it with the blessing that I'll be able to chase around my little monsters at a better pace.
Don't forget to add prayer, with prayer, and then pray. lol. Start everything with God in mind and every step is easier.